Primary Colors

When it comes to communicating the IDfy brand, color is very essential. Red and Blue are the main primary colors and either of them should be used in whatever we create.

The use of white sets the stage for IDfy’s color to pop. Balanced ratios of white space can add vibrancy or elevate the bold colors. White & Black can be used as a font color

CMYK: C13, M100, Y100, K3
RGB: R206, G16, B16
WEB: #CE1010

CMYK: C91, M80, Y0,K0
RGB: R28, G67, B185
WEB: #1C43B9

CMYK: C15, M12, Y12,K0
RGB: R213, G213, B213
WEB: #D5D5D5

CMYK: C3, M2, Y2, K0
RGB: R245, G245, B245
WEB: #f5f5f5

CMYK: C61, M53, Y52, K24
RGB: R206, G16, B16
WEB: #606060

CMYK: C69, M63, Y62, K57
RGB: R206, G16, B16
WEB: #343434

CMYK: C0, M0, Y0, K0
RGB: R255, G255, B255
WEB: #fffff

CMYK: C75, M68, Y67, K90
RGB: R0, G0, B0
WEB: #00000

Secondary Colors

Secondary colors bring vibrancy & freshness to the brand. Secondary colors should be as supporting colors. Make sure we do not over do it.

To help you make effective color choices and ensure color is working to support the IDfy message and meaning, here are few a number of color palettes that will allow you to make effective color choices

CMYK: C30, M13, Y9, K0
RGB: R177, G199, B215
WEB: #B1C7D7

CMYK: C95, M76, Y28, K13
RGB: R37, G73, B119
WEB: #254977

CMYK: C92, M100, Y22, K17
RGB: R58, G19, B109
WEB: #3A136D

CMYK: C5, M27, Y100, K0
RGB: R242, G187, B19
WEB: #F2BB13

CMYK: C0, M76, Y91, K0
RGB: R242, G98, B46
WEB: #F2622E

Color Preferences

While using WHITE background

While using RED background

While using BLUE background

While using GREY background